Saturday, February 5, 2011

~It's just one of those days. . .everyday~

I have no clue why I am such an emotional wreck; actually I do know why. . . I'm pregnant. That seems to slip my mind a lot when it comes to figuring out why I act the way I do. To cover my tracks a little bit, if I've been kind of grouchy toward you, know that it's not you, it's my raging hormones. They're all over the place. Today is one of those days; one second I am happy and smiling. . . The next, watch out because you won't know what hit you. My mom seems to get the most of my emotional madness, so I'm sorry mom. You don't deserve it.
If there was one thing I would change about pregnancy, this would be it. Prepare yourselves, if you haven't already experienced pregnancy. You will cry at the most ridiculous things, and then find yourself mad when you're not so sure why. It's frustrating. I cant wait for Josh to be able to see this mess of emotions when he gets back from Ranger School. He's going to think I'm nuts; "No, honey, I'm just pregnant!"
Anywho, this is a short one. I just had to get this off of my mind, and find some humor in it. Until next time. . .

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