It's been a while since I've been on here so I figured I would update everyone on everything. Well, first things first, I am having a baby boy!!!
Isn't that so exciting? This is Chase Daniel McChrystal!
He's doing really well and so am I. Last night I had some bad pains in my left side so I went to the hospital to get that all checked out. It was nothing serious and Chase is doing great. He is a kicking fool! No matter what time of day it is, my little man is just a kicking away! :) I still have not gained weight anywhere else aside from my belly. I'm relieved with that- I know the weight will set in later on- This I have been told by the doctors.
In this picture, Josh is the one who is standing closest to the camera. He is helping his Ranger buddy who is rappelling down a 60' rock ledge.
Ranger School still has my husband in custody. Ha! But luckily it's only 5 days until I get to see him for the first time in 2 1/2 months. It may sound pathetic, but this has been tough with him gone. Maybe that's because I'm a "hormonal basketcase". It's okay...I carry the name proudly. I'll be very relieved just to hear his voice again. Hopefully that will happen in 2 days! I'm praying like crazy for all of our prayers to be answered. If you're interested in what Ranger School is all about, you can go here & continue to follow the 3 parts which are only 15 minutes each. It's pretty crazy what Josh & all of the guys are going through so when I watched this recently, it made things real for me. It really makes me appreciate all that Josh is doing, so much more.
This is Josh learning to rappel down a 30' wall. This prepared him for the big rappelling task that you saw above.
Today, my mom had to go to the funeral of her Uncle Londo; my Great Uncle. This was sad to hear because I have always had this special connection with this family. Uncle Londo has two sons; Michael John Amato and Danny Amato. Michael was killed in the Vietnam war on May 13, 1967. When I said I have a special connection with this family, this is what I mean:
About 8 years ago, I found out about Michael & all about who he was. I never had the honor to meet him but everything that I had heard about him was amazing. He was such an awesome guy & cousin. Hearing all of these things made me want to "get to know him". I started looking stuff up online about him and found out exactly what happened on that day in May in Vietnam. I was so beside myself while reading all of this but filled with such pride that this amazing young man who gave his life for our country was my family. My mom drove me to the cemetery in NY where he is buried and she "introduced" me & Michael. With tears streaming down my face, I stood by his grave & talked to him for a few minutes. I never thought that I would be so emotional about a family member that I have never met but this proved me wrong.
To this day, I have a picture of Michael that I look at from time to time. From the day that I "met" Michael, I have had this special connection with the Amato family; just because of that. When my mom told me that Uncle Londo's funeral was today, I got a little weepy, but I smiled at the same time. Uncle Londo only had 20 years with his son before Michael's life came to a sudden end. Now, they will have forever to be with each other.
Michael John Amato
Beautifully written!